Why can't I find a nice post-surgery bra?
In my experience recovery is not just a physical process, it involves mental, emotional and psychological elements too, and these can be much more difficult to heal after a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Did you know that 15% of British female adults are diagnosed with breast cancer? That is around 1 in every 7 of us.; There are 55,000 new cases every single year (around one new diagnosis every 10 minutes). Yet only 0.2% of the bra market in the UK is currently specifically for post-surgery or mastectomy… and why should we feel “less” than we did before surgery? Why should we be put in to a box, that basically says "this is all you are allowed to wear now"? Why should we have less options? Surely after surgery we need “more” support to feel our best and achieve a full emotional recovery?

I am interested to know your thoughts on this. Please reach out to me on Instagram!