First Class
It's nice to be first in line at the supermarket checkout, or first in the call queue when you're waiting and being forced to listen to a naff selection of "hold" music. First row at a concert or first place in a race. First class flights or first class holidays. And I do like to be first on the surgery list, or first on the treatment list at hospital.
But FIRST CLASS honours - Ermmmm yep, I'll take that one all day long thank you very much.
Being a single parent, cancer patient and mature student... going back to education at almost 40 years of age was never going to be without it's challenges. But you know what?... it was absolutely well worth every penny of debt, every headache endured and every late night/ all nighter pulled. Juggling academic work and actual paid work is tough at the best of times, but adding a couple of tearaway kids in to the mix, and then topping it off with cancer surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy and a little extra special sprinkling of medically induced menopause was kinda like a fun cocktail type experiment. And it turned out to be a winning combo.
I graduated with a FIRST class BA (hons) degree in Fashion Management from Nottingham Trent University. Followed by winning a business plan competition for H.E.R Bodywear from the NTU Enterprise hub, and then became a national finalist and a regional winner through the Ingenuity Impact programme. Next stop... launching this bodywear brand.
And on that note, if anyone knows of any potential investors, grant schemes or funding opportunities to help me get this business off the ground, please do get in touch and help me to share these magical Heal Empower Revive vibes!