Bye bye ovaries. It's been a pleasure having you
I'm sat in the day surgery unit at Nottingham's Treatment Centre. Hospital gown on. Compression socks and sexy paper pants all in place. It's 1pm, and in about half an hour I will be having part of my last few bits of actual female physical anatomy chopped out and chucked away with the trash... Bye bye ovaries and tubes.
No more estrogen spewing its guts out into my system trying desperately to feed any potential stray hungry dirty little death-cell that might be just casually swimming around in my blood stream looking for a comfortable spot to settle and call home…
I have seen my surgeon walk past twice now so I know I'll be going in soon. I’m 4th on the surgery list, and she has already done 3 of these procedures before me. I’m up next. Menopause Pending…
How do I feel about it? Well I mean it’s not ideal, is it? I’d really rather not be cut up and rearranged internally, I’ve always been pretty content with my interior decorations, but it is what it is, they’ve got to go. A bit like a box of matches at a petrol station… it’s not gonna end well - unless they are removed.
More importantly, I won’t be able to have any more babies. Don’t get me wrong, at almost 40 and without a significant other, it's not even something I ought to be thinking about. But here I am... thinking about it. Like all those eggs are just going in the bin, never to be fertilised or have the opportunity to become cute little babies. Probably for the best though tbf.. I need a job and stability to bring a third human up in this world. Anyway, they would potentially have the BRCA gene too so I have spared them that fate at least.
On a serious note though… I’m gutted I’ll be menopausal before I’m 40. Never have a period ever again? Not something I thought I'd say or feel… I’ll let you know when I’m on the other-side which is worse: Period pain or hot flushes!
Surgery done. Ngl, feeling a bit tender and swollen rn. It was supposed to be day surgery, but I told the surgeon that I would have to go home on my own this evening as the kids were stating at my mums. So they kept me in! #winning Haha... it's like a little all inclusive holiday to me hospital is (minus the sun and the pool obviously) but I'd much rather be woken up every couple of hours to be given morphine than stay at home and wake up every couple of hours with a sweaty child laying on my actual face.
Also... I text my amazing sister to tell her my phone battery was about to die. She came to the hospital at 10pm and delivered not only a phone charger, but a whole midnight feast, a tooth brush, tooth-paste, deodorant, baby-wipes, a book ... AND a lottery ticket!!! How lucky am I? Let it be known, Ros Perry of Nottingham, UK is the best sister in the world! xx